Thursday, May 7, 2020

NHS Boys Lacrosse season cut short because of COVID-19

Parker Cane and Lear Asplundh
Staff Writers

New Hope-Solebury High School Boys Lacrosse was off to a great start with a new coach in their 2020 season. The boys started their season on March 1. Every Tuesday and Thursday, the team went to SMG to practice inside when it was rainy outside and to learn new and different plays. On March 12, players and students got the devastating news that school will be closed until March 29 due to COVID-19. Meaning, no after school sports or activities.
  The players were having such a great time getting back on the field and having a catch with each other, it was sad to see the program hit the pause button.
  The players are still doing drills inside their house and outside such as throwing against a wall and working out. Hopefully, this will soon all end and everyone can get back to school and play their favorite sports.
  Corona Virus has plagued the entire world. Within the United States, thousands of schools have shut down as a result, tarnishing all spring sports with it. For seniors, this is a huge blow whether it was to show your skills to college scouts or just playing for the joy the sport brings. Some high schools have even shut down for the rest of the year. This virus has resulted in some seniors losing memories people never forget such as senior prom and graduation. This virus has been a brutal blow to Americans and people across the world. We have to join together and fight against it.
  As we went to press, students were still out of school and supposed to get back to school on April 30.